Silver Lining Farm is a Private Boarding and Training Facility located in West Middlesex, Pa.
SILVER LINING HORSE FARM was opened in 2006, at the family home of the Furey’s. The farm has been in the family for 3 generations. It is a working farm producing Corn, Hay, Poultry, and Horses. Centrally located in western Pennsylvania, close to I-80, 1-79, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Western New York.
West Middlesex, Pennsylvania, is located in the beautiful agricultural community of Western Pennsylvania, and Eastern Ohio.
Our goal is to breed top-quality sports horses for serious competitive-minded equestrians and those who seek a long-time companion and wish to compete at the amateur level. With those goals in mind, we offer several up-and-coming young stock and ready-to-show Horses.
We carefully breed incredible stallions to premium Mares. The result is amateur-friendly horses, and the athletes (HORSES) to be successful at top levels!
Clients also have the opportunity to breed to our Mares via surrogacy to create their dream.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a safe, friendly and supportive environment for our horses and riders.
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Our Goal
Matching horses and clients for the “Dance of their life”.
Horses For Sale
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